Frequently Asked Questions

We understand you have questions when considering a new school for your child. Please find answers to the most common questions below. If your question isn’t here, contact us and we’ll find the answer you need.

General Questions

  • There is currently no universally accepted definition of giftedness. The term itself has been debated for years.

    According to The National Association of Gifted Children:
    “Gifted individuals are those who demonstrate outstanding levels of aptitude (defined as an exceptional ability to reason and learn) or competence (documented performance or achievement in top 10% or rarer) in one or more domains. Domains include any structured area of activity with its own symbol system (e.g., mathematics, music, language) and/or set of sensorimotor skills (e.g., painting, dance, sports).”

    Many gifted students also exhibit one or more of the following social and emotional characteristics:

    Asynchronies – significant variations in development across cognitive, academic, physical, or emotional levels for their age

    Advanced Reasoning Abilities – capacity to understand correlations, think divergently, or draw conclusions that are atypical for their age

    Perfectionism – high, often unrealistic expectations of self and others

    Intensities – intense feelings, thoughts, ideas, reactions, and creative inspirations

    Strong sense of justice – hyper-awareness and sensitivity toward social issues such as animal cruelty, humanitarian crises, or even rights and wrongs on the playground

    Seemingly endless thirst for knowledge – seeks to go deeper into topics and appears to have an endless stream of “Why?”

    Research hasn’t identified one single test to clearly define and identify all aspects of giftedness. Because of this, misconceptions are common. We strive to learn more about the giftedness of our students each day.

    Visit our Approach to Gifted Education page for more information.

  • MIS was founded on the idea that no student waits to learn. With all teachers certified in gifted education, MIS is a place where gifted students not only learn -- they thrive.

    Our curriculum requires students to explore course content with depth and complexity. We present students with challenging material, and we expect them to think critically and solve multi-faceted problems.

    We believe that the development of the whole student is key to success. Since we opened, we have had a full-time counselor on staff. At least twice each month, a counselor goes into each elementary classroom to teach brain-based social and study skills. Middle schoolers receive a weekly lesson on leadership and organization skills. Students in high school work closely with counselors as they prepare to move on.

    When needed, counselors work with students individually or in small groups. Counselors also work with families and teachers to further support students.

  • Yes, there is a dress code, but one that works to honor the individuality of students. It can be found in more detail in our student handbook, but the general philosophy is that how we dress is a form of social communication and part of becoming college and career ready. As such, we ask that student shoes and clothing are free from derogatory language, profanity, and explicit images, considerate of the learning environment, weather appropriate, and something that still allows them to participate in PE or possibly messy learning without requiring a change beforehand. Shoes must be worn at all times within the school.


  • Many programs for gifted learners also accept students with specific talents. However, we teach a gifted curriculum in all subject areas, every day. If a student has one very specific and narrow talent, MIS would not be an ideal fit.

    Our admissions process requires that students demonstrate strength in at least three dimensions of giftedness. We’ve found this allows them to work collaboratively with the accelerated curriculum throughout the school day.

  • The curriculum focuses on critical thinking, creating connections, and cultural awareness. Environmental and social issues worldwide are continually incorporated into classes so that students can analyze and apply the information they’re learning while practicing what it means to be a global leader.

  • We believe travel provides some of the greatest lessons and learning opportunities for our students. The class explores their destination in material throughout the year, supporting the student experience.

    Travel fosters independence, curiosity, cultural and social exploration, and real-world problem solving. For this reason, domestic and international travel experiences are offered yearly for students and families in grades 3 and up.

  • Our teachers are trained in strategies specifically for gifted learning, including differentiation of the content, processes, and products. Our problem-based learning model removes limits on learning associated with content-driven instruction. Focusing on critical thinking and problem solving also gives our students opportunities for divergent and creative thinking.

    It’s important to note that MIS does not believe in accelerating content without critical and creative application. For example, if a grade 3 student is “doing 8th grade math,” we will challenge the student to think about mathematics in new ways — more than just computation and solving equations. We will expect them to delve deeply into math concepts for greater understanding of complex approaches.

  • In problem-based learning at MIS, students use research, inquiry, and collaboration to formulate solutions to global problems.

    Students are given an unstructured problem to which there is no easy or “right” answer. Students work together to generate the questions they need to answer in order to solve the problem. These questions are prioritized in a research plan. Students work through plans both independently and with their classmates, and then design and evaluate possible solutions.

    While this last step may include a final project, our faculty assesses the problem solving, process, inquiry, and research leading up to the final product.

Instructional Strategies

  • We understand that gifted students often have areas where they need additional support.

    Our small class size is integral to learning each student’s needs and how to best support them. We often group students flexibly, so that students are always interacting in new ways and moving forward. Our faculty is available to collaborate with both the student and family to support progress and growth.

    When students need more significant help than can be offered in the classroom, we can help make arrangements for tutoring or other intervention outside of the normal class structure.

  • Some gifted learners who come to us from more traditional school settings do not have experience working collaboratively -- or may not have enjoyed it.

    Our problem-based approach encourages working together in doses that can be managed student-by-student, and each of our learners has opportunities to grow in this lifelong skill. Students work in groups with their peers, which can be a very different experience from group work in a typical classroom.

  • All learners are supported in ways that are appropriate to their success. Students are given opportunities to learn material through research, innovation, and collaboration. Teachers use a variety of visual materials to foster problem solving, critical thinking, and other content-specific skills. Students are also able to take notes and/or photos on their devices of relevant information throughout the day.

  • MIS is designed for gifted learners. Some gifted learners may have other diagnoses, designating them twice-exceptional (2E). Often these diagnoses require significant support from parents and accommodations from the school.

    We partner closely with parents who have students with a dual diagnosis to ensure that the student is always moving forward academically.

    MIS limits the number of twice-exceptional students in each class to ensure all students can get the support they need.

  • Our students typically hold themselves to high standards and many have perfectionist tendencies. Our staff and student body work daily to embrace a growth mindset and see the value in missteps.

    Our problem-based learning model creates a class environment where there are no right and wrong answers, only solutions with varying degrees of effectiveness.

  • Our core values are Respect, Responsibility, Justice and Global Citizenship. We expect all students, families, faculty, and staff to model these values in their choices and behaviors.

    We also set school-wide standards for behavior so all students know what is expected of them, regardless of grade or class.

    When addressing behavioral issues, our teachers give constructive, process-oriented feedback that fosters a growth mindset.

    We do not use classroom behavior charts.


  • Each classroom is equipped with an Apple TV, projector, and/or interactive whiteboard. We also have a lab equipped with Raspberry Pis, PCs, Macs, robotics, 3D printers, and other engineering technology to foster early computer science and programming literacy.

  • Students in second grade and above have a school-issued iPad. High school students use a school-issued MacBook Air.

  • Specific technology skills are integrated across the curriculum. Some fundamentals students learn explicitly in their classes are:

    - Basic research skills (keywords, searching, reliability of sources)
    - Computer programming
    - Typing
    - Social media literacy and appropriateness
    - Effective use of presentation software and presenting
    - Photography
    - Music editing
    - Movie editing
    - Podcasting
    - Word processing and spreadsheet use
    - Fundamentals of computer science
    - Electronics and circuits
    - 3D rendering

  • Throughout the school day, school devices are used for instructional purposes. The App Store is disabled, and the school sets age-appropriate restrictions on websites and content. The school downloads instructional apps as needed.

    Our Acceptable Use policy regulates additional uses and content on the devices.

Additional questions? Visit our Elementary, Middle School or High School pages for division-specific questions, schedule a tour, or contact us — we’re happy to help.